Sunday, February 5, 2012

World Vision's 30 Hour Famine

Welcome to my 30 Hour Famine fundraising page for 2012

Support Jared!Join Jared's Team!
Jared Ellison
64 percent of goal achieved.
Goal: $360.00
Achieved: $230.00Make a gift!
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has donated money to this cause so far. I appreciate your support! I've reached a goal that I didn't think would happen...so...I've raised my goal so that I can apply for a tour. I'm already half-way there. Thank you again!
I can't wait to do the 30 Hour Famine! During the Famine, I will actually NOT EAT for 30 hours. YES! You read that right. I know it will be hard, but I want to do my part to help the nearly 8,000 children under age 5 die every day because of hunger-related causes?that?s one child every 10 seconds. This is NOT okay and I can NOT stand by while children die from lack of food.
In the time leading up to and during our 30 hours of fasting, I am going to get a crash course in global hunger and come face to face with the realities of poverty and injustice. My youth group will make a global impact by learning about world hunger and raising money for hungry children around the world through World Vision; a local impact through service projects and raising awareness during our 30 hours; and an individual impact when I will get a small taste of what it is like for hungry kids around the world.
The Famine is our chance to make a difference, our chance to make hunger part of our history not our present, and our chance actually do something about hunger. My youth group has set a goal, but I?ve personally set a goal too. Check out my thermometer to see my goal. Every $30 I raise will help feed and care for a child for a month! Will you help me meet my goal?
Thank you for sponsoring me to go without?so others can eat.
Want to know where the money raised through the Famine goes?

Visit www.30hourfamine.org/about to learn more about 30 Hour Famine and World Vision’s hunger programs.

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