SCAMPER Artistry's first ever online photo contest! Here's how it works. Email me a photo of your child or children at scamperartistry@gmail.com. The photos will be posted to SCAMPER Artistry FB fan page. Your friends, family, and anyone else can vote for their favorite. The photo with the most votes will will a free photo session in my studio. Voting will end on May 31st, 2010.
Deadline to enter your photo for the contest will be May 7th, 2010. Photo submissions are being accepted immediately. Start sharing SCAMPER Artistry FB fan page right away so your friends and family can get ready to vote starting May 2nd, 2010. There is no limit to how many contestants participate -- tell everyone!
Photo Submission and Contestant Rules:
One photo per contestant. No limit on how many contestants, so please tell everyone.
You must be 18 years of age or older to enter, but anyone who is a fan can vote!
You must be okay with having your child's or children's photo up in a SCAMPER Artistry Fan Page Contest Gallery.
Photos should not contain nudity. No nudie-butts. They may be cute, but not for the whole world to view.
Any rude/offensive/etc comments will result in your removal from the page.
Photographs from other studios will not be posted as they are usually copyrighted.
You must be a fan of the SCAMPER Artistry Photography fan page to enter and also to vote. So spread the word.
Grand Prize will be a free photo session with a free personal online gallery, one free original size digital image download, one free 8 x 10 image (glossy, lustre, or metallic finish).
First Runner Up will be a free photo session with free personal online gallery, one free original size digital image download.
Second Runner Up will be a free photo session with free personal online gallery.
The winning prize package is transferable, great for out of towners to give away to a relative or friend that can use it. Prize package must be used by May 31, 2011.
Please send your photo submissions to scamperartistry@gmail.com
Please title the subject line: SCAMPER Artistry Contest May 2010
Please copy and paste the following sentence in the body of the email:
I hereby grant and assign SCAMPER Artistry the right to use and publish for SCAMPER Artistry Facebook Fan Page and SCAMPER Artistry website, photographic images of my child and/or children.
[Your Full Name]
[First Name or Names of child or children in photo submitted]